Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Putting in some heavy lifts in you're training routine

There are a couple of known ways to train

8-12 reps is "muscle building"
2-6 is "strength
12 and up is "high volume" or "burning out"

Regardless what you're goals are, you should add some strength sets or strength exercises into you're training, why? I'll tell ya why!!

1. You get more density in the way you look. Yeah its nice to be cut, muscular, BUT you can pretty much tell the difference when someone is more dense looking than someone else. For instance, look at dorian yates. Of course he's big, BUT look at how dense and thick he is compared to everyone else. You want the soft look? Of course the dudes don't! So get some strength workouts in.

1. You wanna be stronger right? Some people may say "I don't care about strength, I care about lean muscle" okay me to of course. BUT how are you going to get more and more lean muscle if you stay at the same weight with you're 8-12 reps? You can't change you're body if you don't change you're training plain and simple. You need to get stronger so instead of doing 40 pounds of 8-12 reps you can do 50 pounds of 8-12 reps.

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