Monday, April 8, 2013

Having a good pre workout and good nitric oxide

Why put these two together? They are both pre workouts right? One is for high stim (high energy) and the other is low stim and good pump (pump is when you see everything popping out, you're feeling super tight and strong) I mix these two for a two reasons

1. I LOVE THE FEELING! When you have that high energy and the pump, there is no other feeling like it in the world... Anyone ever watch pumping iron? Arnold says and I quote "I love the pump, its better than cumming is" Which some people may be like WHAT? But its true.. When you're endorphins are going crazy from the high stim and the pump there is no other feeling. You wanna be motivated, feel pumped, look good, and have a crazy workout? Try mixing these two.

2. YOU GET BETTER WORKOUTS! When you have a crazy pump going, you're body allows you to get that one more extra rep believe it or not. You're so tight, arms are swollen, veins are coming out, sweats dripping, and you're feeling stronger! Combine that with the high energy and its amazing.

I recommend to try IForce's Hemovol and IForce's maximize. There about 30 dollars each. You put them in the same glass/mixer, put water in, shake/stir it up, and drink it. You're workouts will be amazing. There are other brands and types of nitric oxide and high energy pre workouts I'm just giving an example.

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