Sunday, May 19, 2013

3 top reasons that diets fail!

1. You look at it as a punishment- Diets are meant for more then just losing extra pounds. It's meant to make you feel good, more focused, and of course healthier. You'd be surprised how eating healthy can change your outlook on a lot of things, how much more focused you are without all the fillers from bad foods, and how good overall you will feel. Instead of thinking about it as a terrible thing, think about it as a nutrition list. Don't eat the same thing over and over again make sure you switch it up. Trust me there are TONS of foods that are in your calorie range.

2. You eat to little- I hear so many people say "I can't eat I'm on a diet" So they basically starve themselves and then guess what? THEY GORGE UNTIL THEY CAN'T EAT ANYMORE A COUPLE DAYS LATER. Eat how your suppose to, don't starve yourself, because it won't last long. People have no idea what food can do physically AND mentally.

3. To much cardio- When people are losing weight, I see them just doing cardio and then doing some more cardio. Guess what? LONG periods of cardio for an hour or more turns your body catabolic which means you start to lose lean muscle. Now mainly women may be thinking right now "I don't care about muscle I just want to be skinny" well I don't know about you but I don't like my women flabby which is exactly what will happen when you lose lean muscle, its called skinny fat. You NEED lean muscle to look good and feel good not just skin. Make sure along with your diet and your weight training/class exercises your not doing to much cardio. Ever see people who lose a lot of weight and they have a lot of loose skin? That happens because of to much cardio and because of point number 2, eating to little.

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