Friday, April 26, 2013

A few pointers to remember while getting you're body ready for summer '13

Drink enough water- The more water you drink, the less you're body holds! So make sure you're staying hydrated so you're vascularity can come out more.

Not doing to much cardio- Obviously cardio is important for fat loss, but it can also be a big way to lose lean muscle. Make sure you're not going over an hour 5-6 times a week. Also make sure you're getting in good nutrients afterwards.

Not eating heavy carbs passed 7:00 P.M.- Don't want those carbs to just be sitting there, carbs are for energy. If carbs are just sitting it will turn into fat.

Don't stuff you're face with alchy- Yeah summers a big time to party, but either you wanna party or you want a nice body. Partying comes with a unfriendly friend, FAT.

Eating every 2-4 hours- Make sure you're eating properly, and by properly I don't mean 1-2 meals a day!! You want you're metabolism going? You want to look lean? Eat like you're suppose to so you're metabolism knows what its doing.

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