Sunday, December 9, 2012

What you SHOULD have in your gym

So, January first is right around the corner... and what does that mean? New Year's resolution! A lot of people sign up a the gym for a new years resolution because they want to change their lives. When you go check out gyms what should you look at? What should you look for? Your new to the gym so you'll never know, the only thing that you'll know is what the sales guy is trying to tell you that's good about it. So let me tell you guys what YOU should look for.

Stability balls-Stability balls is pretty much a necessity for new people at the gym. Stability balls allow you to get into fitness the right way, by doing work outs that will work the little muscles and allow you to be more stabilized. When you first start out at the gym your really suppose to be working on things like, instead of bench press do dumbbell bench press on stability ball or instead of stand up dumbbell curls do dumbbell curls on the stability ball. The list goes on and on for exercises that you can do with this, but its an important place to start and an important thing to have in your gym of choice.

Cleanliness-Obvious this is important but, I think its something that you should really be focusing on. I know people who have gotten staff infections from dirty gyms... and that's no joke. Ask them things like "do you have a cleaning crew" "how many times a week does the cleaning crew come in" so they can't lie to you about it. Also make sure the cleanliness is on your part as well, like cleaning machines when your done using them or re-racking your weights.

Hammer Strength-Good gyms will have hammer strength equipment. Hammer strength equipment is really good if you work out by yourself. For instance lets just say your doing chest that day and your doing bench press if you want to go heavy but are scared to put a lot of weight on because you don't have a spotter, you can use the hammer strength bench press which is basically in a nut shell a machine that you put free weights on.

New Cardio Equipment- Make sure that the cardio equipment is up to date, not something old and falling apart. Cardio can be made fun now! Some have IPod plug ins, TV's even mini computers that you can go online or check your facebook. It makes being able to do cardio go a little faster and not be as boring. Also older cardio equipment isn't as accurate as far as knowing how many miles you went or the speed.

Stretching Room/Area- Stretching is very important, its a MUST to prevent injury and to warm up your muscles. Make sure the gym has a little area for you to be able to perform your stretches/warming up.

Juice Bar- People may think "why does a gym need one of those juice/protein bars". I think this is important because, lets just say you have to get to work and you don't have time to go home and make your protein shake, how will you feed your muscles? It would be nice just to get your shake at the gym instead of skipping the meal. The shakes come with all healthy stuff and you can also add things like glutamine and creatine.

Child Care- A lot of gyms do have this now, but make sure its good child care. Make sure you check it out, walk around in it, see the toys, and make sure its clean. Also see the people that are running the child care, you want someone that's nice and friendly not rude.

Your Hours- When you go to sign up, ask for the hours! Would really be terrible if you find out they are not open when you need them to be. All gyms are all different in hours ESPECIALLY on the weekends.

Good Trainers- If your new to the gym and you want a personal trainer, check them out first! Just because they work at a gym doesn't mean they know what they are talking about. I have talked to a lot of trainers that don't know the first thing about starting someone off in the gym, nutrition, or supplements. Tell them if your going to pay you want a portfolio of the trainer to see what he has done, what he specializes in, and to make sure he has a GOOD certificate. Two of the top certificates right now are ACE and NASM so it would be nice to have a trainer with one of them.

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